Methadone Rehab

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Methadone Rehabilitation Programs

Offering a safe and controlled environment where methadone addicts can get the help and support that they need to safely and effectively overcome addiction, methadone rehabilitation programs can be found in treatment centers and rehab centers throughout the country.  These programs provide various types of counseling, support and care for those suffering from mild to moderate or even severe methadone addiction.  Recognizing the fact that many cases of methadone addiction result from the patient taking the drug to cope with severe pain or as a means of reducing cravings that result from other opiate withdrawal, many methadone rehabilitation programs offer community rewards programs to encourage patients to stay on the right track and to remain drug free.

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Treatment Options

The most common types of methadone rehabilitation programs include:

  • Residential Programs
  • Outpatient Programs
  • Inpatient Programs

Residential Programs for Methadone Rehabilitation

During residential treatment for methadone addiction, the patient will remain in an inpatient facility that has a hospital-like setting.  Here the addict can undergo detox in a safe environment that is medical monitored around the clock to ensure their safety.  Following the detox, the recovering addict will endure countless hours of intense psychological therapy, behavioral therapy, individual counseling and group counseling.  Every aspect of the day in residential treatment will focus on recovery from the methadone addiction.  These programs are ideal for those who have tried other methadone addiction rehabilitation programs and have not had success or reached their recovery goals.

Call1 (877) 363-0618and get help today!

Outpatient Programs for Methadone Rehabilitation

During outpatient programs for methadone addiction treatment the recovering addict will perform much of their recovery tasks on their own without supervision.  Outpatient programs mostly provide counseling and limited support as well as some medical services as needed.  These programs can be very effective at helping a patient to transition from inpatient care back to a normal life outside of treatment but they are not recommended for those who have already tried to quit using methadone on their own and have failed.

Have money or private insurance? If you can afford private treatment call us now:

1 (877) 363-0618

Inpatient Programs for Methadone Rehabilitation

These programs provide patients with the care and support they need, in a controlled environment that looks similar to a group home.  Most inpatient programs offer nutritious meals, exercise programs, alternative treatments, and various types of counseling and support that is aimed at helping the recovering addict to make new friendships, learn more about their addiction and recovery, develop coping skills and discover ways to live drug free.  These programs typically last at least 90 days and may last up to a year or more depending on the severity of the addiction and the individual goals of the recovering addict.

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