Methadone Rehab

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Treatment for Methadone Withdrawal

Methadone withdrawal can be treated in a number of ways but the most effective method of treatment is simply allowing the withdrawal to take course in time.  Time is the healer of methadone withdrawal and only with time will all aspects of the withdrawal and symptoms of the methadone withdrawal be alleviated.  Various medications and alternative therapies are also effective at treating methadone withdrawal and the symptoms that come with the withdrawal.

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Treatment Options

Medications Used in Methadone Withdrawal Treatment

Most of the time, medications are used rather sparingly in methadone withdrawal treatment to avoid the chance of the recovering addict then becoming addicted to a new drug.  Sometimes, medications are a necessary part of the withdrawal process to ensure the safety of the recovering addict.  For instance, medication may be used to lower a fever associated with withdrawal or to reduce a rapid heartbeat that poses a significant danger to the recovering addict.  Other medications may be used to treat the symptoms of withdrawal such as nausea or vomiting.

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Alternative Therapies

Various alternative therapies work to reduce withdrawal symptoms or to make them more manageable.  Some of the most common alternative therapies include herbal remedies and teas, saunas, acupuncture and massage.  Each has the ability to help the patient to cope with or to overcome a particular withdrawal symptom or symptoms.  For instance, acupuncture has been proven effective at helping those in withdrawal to relax and it also can be used to stop vomiting or calm an upset stomach.

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Massage therapy is often used at a treatment for methadone withdrawal as it can be highly effective at helping the patient to cope with pain.  Massage may also work to alleviate stress and promote relaxation which may help the addict to rest and recuperate faster than they would without massage.  Various methods of massage may involves using pressure points to reduce nausea, stop vomiting or otherwise alleviate the symptoms of methadone withdrawal.

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