Methadone Rehab

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Methadone Withdrawal Help

Are you looking for help to deal with the pain and discomfort of methadone withdrawal?  Methadone withdrawal help is readily available at local rehab centers that provide treatment for methadone addiction and opiate addiction.   These facilities can help you overcome the withdrawal symptoms in a safe and effective manner by providing you with medical care, medications, nutritious meals and alternative therapies that can make the entire withdrawal process go by much quicker and much easier for you.

Need free or low-cost treatment? Find free, state funded or low cost treatment options.

Treatment Options

Medical Care for Methadone Withdrawal

It’s vital that anyone going through methadone withdrawal seek medical care to ensure their safety during this difficult time.  Medical care for methadone withdrawal may provide various methods of helping the patient to deal with the withdrawal including medications to promote rest, reduce nausea or vomiting, alleviate aches and pains and otherwise help the recovering addict to cope with the symptoms of methadone withdrawal.  If you or someone you know is suffering from adverse withdrawal symptoms as a result of methadone addiction, seek medical help immediately for the safety of the recovering addict.

Call1 (877) 363-0618and get help today!

Medications to Help with Methadone Withdrawal

Various medications may be used to alleviate many of the symptoms of methadone withdrawal.  For some, suboxone is prescribed to assist with alleviating the withdrawal symptoms and reducing the urge to use more drugs.  Suboxone is not the only medication that is used for methadone withdrawal.  Other medications may be used to slow the heartbeat, reduce fever, alleviate pain, calm an upset stomach or promote sleep.

Nutritious Meals to Help with Methadone Withdrawal

Nutritious meals work two-fold for those who are suffering from methadone withdrawal.  First, meals can promote detoxification and once all presence of toxins related to the methadone are eliminated from the body the patient will feel much better.  Second, meals are vital to one feeling good because they provide the fuel that helps the body heal and get well.  Methadone addiction treatment that incorporates healthy and nutritious meals into the mix is likely to reduce withdrawal symptoms rather quickly.

Have money or private insurance? If you can afford private treatment call us now:

1 (877) 363-0618

Alternative Therapies

Many alternative therapies can help with methadone withdrawal and the symptoms that the patient feels.  Some of the most common alternative therapies include herbal remedies, acupuncture and massage therapy.  Acupuncture has been proven effective at helping patients overcome nausea and vomiting associated with methadone withdrawal and massage therapy can alleviate the physical discomfort and pain associated with opiate withdrawal.

Need free or low-cost treatment? Find free, state funded or low cost treatment options.

Treatment Options
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