Methadone Rehab

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Home Remedies for Methadone Withdrawal

Methadone withdrawal makes the individual feel lousy to say the least.  Restlessness sets in, sleep is merely impossible and the mind may begin to play tricks on the addict within a few days of them taking their last dose of methadone.  Home remedies typically fall short of actually helping the individual and in many cases do nothing but make matters worse.  Unfortunately, there are not a lot of home remedies for methadone withdrawal that are safe and that actually work.

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One home remedy that does seem to be rather effective at treating methadone withdrawal is Suboxone.  While you will have to have a prescription for this medication, it can be taken at home and it will reduce or completely eliminate the withdrawal symptoms that you are feeling.  Unfortunately, Suboxone can be rather expensive and if you do not have insurance to cover the cost of the medication, this type of methadone withdrawal treatment may be out of the picture.

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Valerian root may be effective at promoting sleep and at least at alleviating some of the restlessness associated with methadone withdrawal.  This can be purchased at most drug stores over the counter as it is an herbal supplement.  Magnesium is also good to reduce some of the effects of methadone withdrawal.  Magnesium will sooth the stomach, reduce nausea and can help with vomiting.

Flu-like symptoms associated with methadone withdrawal can be effectively treated with Tylenol or a similar medication to reduce fever and pain.  Eating small meals or just snacks here and there can reduce the likelihood of vomiting or persistent nausea.

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Another way to reduce the effects of methadone withdrawal at home is to slowly taper the drug off rather than quit cold turkey.  Tapering the drug off means taking a little bit less of the drug over time until eventually the dose is reduced to nothing.  This may take days or weeks depending on how bad the addiction is but it can work well to reduce the impact of the withdrawal symptoms and can effectively be done at home if you are committed to overcoming the methadone addiction.

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