Methadone Rehab

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What is Methadone?

Methadone is a pain reliever that is commonly prescribed to treat those suffering from chronic pain such as that associated with cancer or terminal illness.  Used to treat severe pain, methadone is one of the strongest pain relieving opiates on the market and should therefore be avoided unless absolutely necessary.  Methadone is also used for drug addiction maintenance treatment to reduce withdrawal symptoms and help those suffering from opiate addiction to curb cravings during treatment.  Regardless of how methadone is used or why it is taken, the drug is powerfully addicting and can lead to dire consequences.

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Discuss the following conditions with a health care provided prior to starting any methadone maintenance treatment program or before taking this drug for chronic or severe pain:

  • Brain tumor
  • History of drug abuse or addiction
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Head trauma or injury
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lung disease, asthma or COPD
  • Sleep apnea or loud snoring
  • Kidney disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Mental health problems
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Allergic reaction to opioid analgesics, methadone, food or other medicines
  • Seizure disorder
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How is Methadone Taken?

Methadone should only be taken as prescribed by a physician!  Follow the directions on the label when the prescription is received.  Methadone is taken orally and should be taken with plenty of water.  This medication can cause upset stomach so it’s best to take with food or mild to reduce the risk of nausea or vomiting when taking methadone.  It’s important that only the amount of methadone that is prescribed is taken as taking more than prescribed can lead to tolerance, overdose or even death.

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1 (888) 460-6556

Tolerance to Methadone

Anyone who takes methadone regularly is likely to develop a tolerance to the drug.  Tolerance means that in order to feel the same effects of the methadone, more of the drug must be taken over time.  If you notice that you have to take more and more methadone in order to finally feel the same pain relief or to feel the same high as you once did, you have developed a tolerance to the drug.  Talk with a doctor about tolerance and always discuss any changes in your response to the drug openly and right away to avoid potential hazards associated with taking more of the medication or with other adverse reactions associated with tolerance.

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